10 strangest things you didn't know about love and sex
1-The male penis can break:
There is no bone in the male penis, but it can "break" as horribly as you might imagine - an injury called a penile fracture.
When the area is known as (Tunica Albuginea) has ruptured; Blood - which is usually trapped inside - leaks into other tissues, causing bruising and swelling.
2- Dancers who undergo ovulation make more money than others:
A study at the University of New Mexico showed a correlation between the ovulation cycle of each of the dancers and the amount of money they earned.
One hypothesis that works to explain this is that males are more prone to dancers who have a higher chance of conceiving children.
3- A woman can "smell" cases of genetic incompatibility with a partner:
It is not completely known why pioneers of strip clubs discriminate against ovulation, although this discrimination occurs subconsciously; However, studies show that one of the more likely possibilities is chemicals called pheromones.
One of the functions of pheromones is also to alert both sexes to the presence of genetic incompatibilities, as the genes that make up the "major histocompatibility complex - MHC" play an important role in determining your ability to implant a new organ, for example, the greater the difference between the two partners, the greater their chances. In having a healthy baby.
It's interesting to think that a female can smell this genetic difference.
4- Birth control can limit a woman's ability to evaluate a partner:
In a study by Klaus Wedekind at the University of Bern, a woman's preference for an asymmetrically complex MHC partner was reversed while taking birth control pills.
5- Obese males stay in bed longer:
The relationship between obesity and sexual health is complex, on the one hand, obesity is mainly associated with cases of erectile dysfunction, and on the other hand, this study - published in 2012 in the International Journal of Impotence Research - indicated that the more obese males are less likely to experience premature ejaculation.
In the study, it was found that males with a high body mass index (BMI) were able to make love for an average of 7.3 minutes, while the trial participants with a low index - under the same conditions - achieved an average of 1.8 minutes.
Obese males have higher levels of the female sex hormone (estradiol), which one hypothesis suggests interferes with the body's ability to achieve orgasm, at least during the previously mentioned period.
6- The Seven Years' Tale may not be a myth:
The phrase "The Seven Years' Story" is used to describe a person's tendency to feel dissatisfied with their partner after seven years of relationship or marriage, which triggers an urgent desire to abandon them.
By divorce rate. This may not be a myth. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the average length of first marriages ending in divorce is 7.9 years.
7. We avoid temptations:
Even if the subject of the seven years is real. Evidence suggests that we ignore and avoid tempting alternatives to our partners, even if this avoidance is subconscious.
In a study published in 2008, psychologist John K. Miner (John K. Manner) exposed participants in an experiment to an image that appears on screen for half a second, immediately followed by a circle or square symbol in another area. From the screen, where they are asked to select what is as precisely as possible and as quickly as possible.
The results showed a delay in attention in single and non-homosexual participants when exposed to images of attractive individuals of the opposite sex - and the increase in a phenomenon researchers call intentional attachment.
We haven't seen cases like this in those in a relationship with a partner, as some of them looked away from attractive faces more quickly than if they weren't.
8- The process of masturbation begins in the womb:
You've probably been masturbating since you were in the womb. In an ultrasound from a thesis entitled "Ultrasound monitoring of fetal masturbation in the womb"; An image emerged showing the baby's hand as it passed over the penis area.
And in another image. It shows what the researcher Israel Meizner described as gripping the penis like masturbation.
It should also be noted that this was an ultrasound, which means that the researcher Meissner is viewing moving pictures.
9- The clitoris has a greater role and importance than you think:
If you visualize a clitoris. Maybe what you envision is just part of a larger internal structure.
It's a much larger organ than the sensitive nerve endings (called the glans) outside the body.
Interestingly, scientists did not study the internal structure of an exciting clitoris before the 1990s, nor did they release the first 3D images of a stimulated clitoris until 2009.
10-If the sexual process causes you disease; Ask your doctor to inject you with semen:
Have you ever heard of POIS?
A rare condition with flu-like symptoms, including fever, runny nose, extreme tiredness, and burning eyes, that appears after ejaculation and lasts for up to a week (one of the most unfortunate syndromes on the surface of the globe, ever).
In a finding that may open the door to multiple treatments for this syndrome; Two independent studies at Utrecht University showed that the syndrome may be caused by a male's sensitivity to his semen.