what is Occupational safety and health?

Occupational safety and health is the science concerned with preserving human safety and health in the field of work by providing a safe work environment free from the causes of accidents, injuries, or occupational diseases and preserving the tasks, components and work environment.

Or in other words ... it is a set of procedures, rules, and regulations within a legislative framework aimed at preserving a person from the risk of injury and preserving property from the risk of damage and loss.

And the definition of safety in the field of work is to protect the worker from the injuries that the worker may suffer because he practices work.

And to define occupational health is the safety of the worker from any disease that may afflict him because he practices the profession he is practicing, meaning “if the work was not, the injury would not be found.

Occupational diseases number "33" occupational diseases and have been identified by the specialized medical committee of Health Insurance.

That the disease is related to the nature of the work the worker performs.

So, to preserve the safety of the worker from any injuries or occupational diseases, legislations, laws, and regulations are required to first maintain his safety and then to maintain the safety of the tasks.

If the vision, or the vision of the company's management, aims to reach the highest production rates with the lowest cost and the least waste.

The vision of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration is to preserve and protect the worker from the mistake of himself or the mistake of others, and it is one of the highest work in society, institutionally and economically.

what is the effect of Occupational safety and health on workers?

The worker is the backbone of any institution and he is the basis for the strength of performance and the electrician is the one who carries out the most dangerous work at all. Our duty is to educate and guide him with safety instructions when working on components of distribution networks. Train him before assigning him any work .. and follow up on the performance of his work periodically

And to ensure that he is not assigned to any work that does not suit his technical capabilities, and to manage the necessary safety tasks for him. This is the supreme message of the work.

what it The general objectives that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration seeks to achieve?

The general objectives that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration seeks to achieve

1- Protecting the human element from injuries resulting from the hazards of the work environment by preventing them from being exposed to accidents, injuries, and occupational diseases.
2- Preserving the components of the physical component of devices and equipment from damage as a result of accidents.
3- Providing and implementing all occupational safety and health requirements that guarantee the provision of a safe environment that achieves protection from risks for the human and physical components by Labor Law 203 of 2003 and Minister of Manpower Resolution No. 134 of 2003.