The Different Types of Scientific Research

The Different Types of Scientific Research

what is The meaning of scientific research?

The term (scientific research) consists of two words which are (research) and (scientific). As for the search linguistically, it is the source of the past verb (search) and its meaning: “follow, search, ask, investigate, investigate, try, request.

” Thus, the meaning of the search is: asking and investigating a fact or an order from things, and it requires exploration, reflection, and meditation; To something the researcher wants to reach.
As for Alami: it is a word attributed to science.

 Science: means knowledge, know-how, and realization of facts "and science in its nature" is a way of thinking and a way of accessing knowledge more than it is a set of fixed laws "and it is a method more than what is a subject for research as it is" a method for researching all the African world affected by human experience and expertise.

And with this "scientific research", it is an organized examination and investigation of any subject matter in order to add or discover knowledge, whether it is theoretical or empirical, and depends on accurate and purposeful organized methods and methods known as the steps of scientific research.

In this paper, we will try to present an outline of the first steps of scientific research, as the denomination does not expand here to take all steps in detail, but rather we will address three basic steps related to its use mainly in the library.

 What are the Research levels?

 There are three levels of research:

Short research at the level of the first university study (Bachelor's), which is what is usually called the term (Term Paper).

 Its goal is for the student to delve into a specific topic, not to obtain new information, and to be trained to use printed and unprinted information sources, then analyze it and reach consequences. This research is usually 10-40 pages short.

Advanced research at the level of the Master Thesis called (Master Thesis) which is rather long research that contributes to adding something new to the subject of specialization.
Advanced research at the level of Doctoral Dissertation, which is comprehensive and integrated research to obtain a university degree. It is required to be new and original and to contribute to adding something new to science.

what are the steps of scientific research?

Selecting the research topic::
 The student who is new to the research may discover that this step is the most difficult step. In principle, the researcher is free to choose any subject and study it according to the approach that seems to him more suitable to answer all the questions that come to his mind.

But it must be known that the majority of research only erred from the starting point because the questions asked are either very simple or very loose, or because the chosen field of research is either poorly defined or very difficult to face, or because the chosen curriculum does not suit the problem to be studied.

Therefore, the researcher must give careful thought to choosing the elements that are basic principles of research, which are: the subject of the research, the frame of reference (or theoretical) of the research, the research methodology, and the problematic formulation.

In the field of research, it is not possible to say the preference of one subject over another, nor is there a rule for choosing one problem over another. However, before performing this process, it is better to ask whether there is some benefit in studying a particular issue, then to what extent it has been addressed, and has this been sufficiently done.
 Even in this case, this should not discourage thinking about research in the topic, as many are the topics that researchers have "satiated" research, yet aspects of it still need to be clarified and deepened.

Since most of the research carried out by university students, especially in the first university stages, is research in order to acquire research skills, the choice of the subject usually comes from the proposal of the professor or doctor who gives this or that article, or by raising a topic in a lecture, or standing on it during reading Which creates the will to push the issue to a higher level.
Here begins the process of collecting information from the sources available in the university library or others (references: dictionaries, encyclopedias, indexes, books, articles, studies from magazines, newspapers, electronic sources, etc.).

Literature review: Here means reviewing previous theories and studies related to the chosen topic, which becomes the site of our concern and preoccupation.
The review of the literature is considered one of the most important steps of scientific research, through which we present the justification of our research, i.e.
 what is new that we will present or add to the knowledge and challenge the framework The reference or theoretical to be adopted, in addition to the precise identification of the problem of research.

Defining the topic in its final form, meaning defining the research problem: 

The problem is the subject matter, which is shrouded in mystery or phenomenon, which requires an explanation, a disputed issue, or a question that needs an answer The meaning of defining the research problem means formulating the problem in clear, understandable and specific terms that express the content.

Writing down the basic information sources:
Here the researcher begins using cards of equal size for his research, by allocating one card for each of the important points, on which he records important information from the study, whether it is (a) by citing (b) or summarizing ideas with the source constantly mentioning any:
The name of the author, the title of the book or article, the page, the publisher, publication date, and the year of publication, on one of the corners of the card, and this will be important when making the final bibliography of the research.

Collecting and organizing ideas: 

After gathering enough information on the subject of the research, the search cards are arranged according to the order of the main ideas. After that, the researcher becomes somewhat familiar with the aspects of his topic, and accordingly, he sets a plan or a temporary general structure for his research, in which he considers the logical sequential arrangement and the interconnection between its parts and chooses for him a clear and brief title, provided that this plan is subject to amendment from deletion and addition later.

 Then it starts writing the research carefully and precisely as a first draft, according to the plan that was developed in the beginning and which includes the following main parts of the research:


It is divided into three sections, namely:
1- Presenting and preparing the reader for your research idea: Example: In these days, it is difficult to find a student who has not used the Internet in his life. The Internet has become one of the most important nerves of civilized life.
 Although most Internet users use them to entertain and entertain or communicate with friends, there are many useful and practical areas they may not know about.

2- Reviewing your research idea or your point of view: Example: This research will prove that the Internet makes it easier for students to do their daily work. Although the benefits of the Internet may include all aspects of life, for all ages, the focus of this research will be on the academic field and undergraduate students.

3- Reviewing the method or ideas through which you will establish your point of view: Example: the main points of the research will be as follows: First, the definition of tools and services that can be used as search engines, e-mail, forums, and chat rooms, and what has emerged in the recent period of tools.

Second, the features that have been added to communicate with the teacher and colleagues, such as the ability to quickly and personally communicate with the teacher, office hours, chat rooms, online meetings, and virtual classes, and benefit from the experiences of graduates. Finally, the features that have been added to the objective research and duties include the possibility of using a brainstorming wiki, conducting referendums, ensuring openness and accessibility to the target segments, and the ease of contacting researchers and specialists.

The body or content: It is the main section of any research, and represents the essence of the topic because it contains the largest part of the information that was presented and giving an opinion on it in the form of chapters or chapters.

Conclusion: its divisions are three:

1- A deductive sentence, in which it states (the main idea of   the research) and that it has been concluded: Example:
From the above, it can be concluded that the Internet has enabled university students to carry out their daily study work more easily.

2- Remember the things that helped you to reach that conclusion, in other words, remember the sub-ideas: Example: The Internet has provided many tools for users, including search engines, e-mail, forums, and chat rooms, these tools and other things that are new and novel on the Internet did not make it easier for students to do their duties only, Rather, it enabled them to do better. This was possible for many advantages that can be achieved using previous tools.
 In this research, we talked about the features that were added to communicate with the teacher and colleagues and to research and write objectively and perform the duties.

3- Finally, it ends with an optimistic or questioning phrase that remains in the reader's mind:
Example: It may be difficult to guess what services will emerge on the Internet, but it will most certainly be in the best interest of the student and facilitate the learning process.

 Note: the order of the final sections may not matter, but the third section prefers to always be the last. It is important that you do not include new information and facts that you did not include in your research.

List of references:

The researcher should prepare two lists: one in Arabic, the second in English, separately, and these lists include books, articles, and any other sources he used when writing his research.

List of tables:

 If the search includes statistical tables.
Appendices: If the research includes some important questionnaires or documents.

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