Prostate Cancer Is It So Dangerous!

Prostate Cancer Is It So Dangerous!

The prostate is a small gland located just below the bladder in men only. Bladder cancer is the most prevalent type of cancer among men in Australia, according to the 2006 statistics, it was found that one out of every 7 people in New South Wales develop prostate cancer at the age of 75, And one in every 5 men will develop the disease upon reaching the age of 85; this means that 6000 new cases are infected each year. 

Prostate cancer is less common in men under 50 years of age unless they have a genetic predisposition.

The prostate gland grows with male growth, and continuous growth may lead to a narrowing or blockage of the urethra, which changes urination patterns.

This is called benign prostatic hyperplasia, but it is not a cancerous enlargement, and symptoms include frequent urination, especially at night; the urgent need to urinate; difficulty urinating, or urine drops after urination is completed.

Symptoms rarely appear in the early period of prostate cancer that can be cured, because the cancerous tumor has not yet reached the size that causes pressure on the urethra; but with the growth and spread of the tumor outside the prostate (advanced cancer), the following problems arise - feeling pain or burning when Urination; increased or difficult times to urinate; blood in the urine or semen, and feeling pain in the lower back, hip, or thighs - common symptoms in many other diseased cases and may not be signs of advanced prostate cancer, so you should do Visit your doctor whenever you have any concerns in this regard.

Although the causes of prostate cancer are not yet known, the chance of infection increases with age - it affects men over 65 years old if the parent or one of the siblings has previously contracted the disease or in the case of hereditary tendency in the family to develop breast cancer.

Research has found that 5-10% of men with bladder cancer have a family history indicating that they have a genetic gene that contributes to cancer.

The doctor will confirm the correctness of the diagnosis by performing a number of tests and analyzes; therefore, you may undergo one of the following tests - a blood test to detect the specific antigen of the prostate; an internal digital rectal examination.

 A biopsy is performed if the results of blood analysis and digital examination are found to be abnormal.

If the biopsy confirms prostate cancer, further tests are conducted to determine the extent of the disease, and whether the disease has spread to other parts of the body; this helps the doctor to determine the best treatment.

These tests may also include some other tests such as blood tests, bone mapping, MRI and CT scans.

A standardized international system called TNM is used to determine the stages of the disease and the extent of cancer cells.

• T (tumor) refers to the size and depth of the tumor's sweep of the body

  • N (nodes) indicates the lymph nodes have been affected by the disease
  • M (metastatic) indicates the spread of cancer in the body

In the TNM system, each letter determines a score that indicates the progression of the disease, that is, a decrease in the score indicates a decrease in the level of disease progression and vice versa.

A degree of prostate cancer is determined to determine the speed of the disease, according to the Gilson system, which is done by giving the two most common types of tissue extracted from biopsy a degree between 3 and 5, and the two degrees are combined together to obtain a final grade of 10.

 A decrease in grade (6) In the Gilson system, the rate of cancer cell growth decreases (less aggressively), while a higher degree (8-10) indicates a faster rate of cancer cell growth (more aggressive).

In addition, the doctor will also consider the size of cancer. For example, if a small cancerous spot is found, the doctor considers it to be small cancerous cells.

 With the reduced volume and decreased cell growth, a less severe treatment method is chosen.

The urologist will advise you on the best course of treatment after taking into account the age, general health status, the rapid spread of prostate cancer (grade), and disease spread (stage).

Prostate treatments include surgery, radiotherapy, and hormone therapy if cancer spreads outside of the prostate.

for the previous article: Pancreatic Cancer The Danger Is Close To Us

for the next article: The Most Common Types Of Skin Cancer

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