Great tips to get rid of the harms of watching porn

The harms of watching pornographic films or the so-called danger of watching ugly movies have developed increasingly over time, but now the tools available to satisfy that porn addiction have developed thanks to the Internet and technologies, which allowed access to unlimited pornographic materials at all levels.

Now smart devices allow you to store and display porn movies in greater quantities than ever before with no clear physical evidence of your use of that pornography, and several studies have revealed that international porn consumption rates can range from 50% to 99% among men and 30% to 86% of women. Therefore, the effect of porn movies on human health has recently appeared repeatedly, let's discuss together the seriousness of sex addiction and what is the solution, let's go.

Signs of porn addiction

  • Inability to stop watching porn or stop dealing with porn-related behaviors.
  • Cravings for pornography similar to a strong craving for drugs.
  • A person becomes angry, hostile, or upset when asked to stop watching porn.
  • Those addicted to porn deny that they do.
  • Increased secrecy in relationships.
  • Feeling as though one is leading a double or secret life due to porn use.
  • A person with a porn addiction feels guilty or ashamed and works hard to hide their porn viewing from others.

What are the effects and disadvantages of watching porn movies?

  • The harms of watching pornographic films to public life
  • Decreased feelings of intimacy in the marital relationship, and decreased sexual satisfaction.
  • The inability to abstain from porn during working hours, which could lead to disciplinary measures or even job loss.
  • Loss of a sense of time, spending more time or money watching porn.
  • Neglect of family or work obligations.
  • Feeling anxious and nervous all the time.
  • Erectile dysfunction in men.
  • Building unrealistic sexual expectations.
  • Feeling very shy.
  • Deviation in behavior and resort to satisfying sexual desire through illegal means such as rape.
  • The damage of porn sites to individual health

The damage and danger of seeing ugly pornographic films are divided into two factors, the first being the psychological factor and the other being the sexual influence and sexual factors, as follows:

  •  Mental disorders
  • Mood swings for a porn addict
  • Notice the effects of watching porn on irritability
  • Feeling angry and depressed.
  • Watching sex increases feelings of constant anxiety and fear.
  • Sexual health disorders
  • Of the effects of porn movies on sexual health, ejaculation disorders.
  • A porn addict suffers from erectile dysfunction.
  • The risk of seeing sex evolved into impaired fertility.

Tips to get rid of the harms of watching porn

Behavior change

Studies have shown that we must often change the way we see ourselves to change our behavior, for example, if you find it difficult to move to the gym, you have to buy a set of new sportswear to start thinking of yourself as an athlete and over time you find your mind motivates you. On hitting the gym, changing behaviors helps a lot to undo the harms of watching porn.

Fill in free time

There is a simple technique that helps you get rid of addiction to pornography and get rid of the risk of watching porn movies and any bad habit even if watching pornographic movies, which is to find another thing to do when you feel the desire to watch porn such as exercise or relaxation exercises and meditation.

Treat relapse gently

Relapse is not only possible but is also inevitable. Instead of defaming yourself and feeling like a bad person, think about what led you to relapse and how to better deal with the situation the next time you feel the need to watch porn because being tough on yourself will lead Only to more self-loathing.

Stay away from watching porn

You have to ask yourself about the method you use most to watch pornographic films, for example, be the computer, and move away from that method gradually and when you find a desire that attracts you to the computer, you have to go and do anything else until your thinking calms down and distracts from watching pornographic films.