Sadism and sexual pleasure in torment

what is the meaning of sadism?

Sadism is a term used to describe the sexual pleasure that is reached by inflicting bodily harm, suffering, or torture by one party on the other linked to a relationship, called sadism in relation to the famous Marquis de Sade, a famous French writer whose characters are characterized by a compulsive impulse to achieve pleasure through torture Others and sadism means having fun through the pain and suffering of others, whether it is psychological, physical or sexual.

Sadism is the attainment of pleasure and the pleasure of torturing others, and the term sadism is attributed to Marquis de Sade (1740 - 1814), who is best known for his books with violent content in sexual practices, the most famous of which is his novel known as (Justin and Juliet).

Pain on the other side or on oneself is a prerequisite for provoking sexual desire and reaching a climax in a sadistic person.

The characteristic and degree of this pain vary greatly, as the sadist may enjoy pricking the other side, biting or beating him, or sometimes insulting him (psychological pain), and the degree of pain may amount to killing!

There is a similarity between the sadistic person and the rapist, despite the different motives of each of them. He found that among every four rapists there is at least one who has sadistic tendencies.

what are the Sadistic types:

  1. Criminal sadism: It is one of the ugliest types of sadism, which may lead to killing or violence in all its forms is used by using tools such as stick, whip, and ropes.
  2. Light sadism: It is one of the most prevalent types of sadism in society, where a person can control the extent of violence he inflicts.
  3. Sadism accepted: It is the most common type of sadism, where almost half of the sadistic cases are acceptable, limited to speech, not physical violence.

what are the Methods of treatment of sadism?

  • The first stage:
Through psychological sessions that last from one month to two months once and twice a week and religious stimulation wherever it increases the susceptibility of a person to counseling
  • The second stage: 
full behavioral treatment by avoiding unwanted things and doing positive things, as studies have proven that they pave a way to treatment as a result of psychological impact on those who do it.
  • Criminalistic sadistic treatment of the third level
Stage Three: A comprehensive legal, psychiatric, and medical qualification needs to take a long time, as it is considered the most dangerous sadistic type that may cause disabilities and even the death of the victim.

what are the Sadistic symptoms?

  • He does not know forgiveness and forgiveness in the event of any one wronged him.
  • He does not accept that anyone disagrees with him.
  • Lying and hypocrisy in order to harm others or cause pain.
  • Harming animals by torturing them and even killing them.

do we have a Sadistic interpretation?

Sadia is not limited to harming people only, but animals, even rigid things, not just harm. There is lying to cause psychological pain (i.e. trying to bring ways so that people can be harmed through various physical and psychological methods) such as: restricting the freedoms of close people and forcing people to do what they want by Intimidation through speech or physical action (beating).

what is The impact of sadistic personality?

  • In the family environment, it leads to the disintegration of the family and the cultivation of fear among children, and it may become common sense for sadistic actions. Watching this violence is one of the causes of sadism and the growth of instinct in them until they practice it of various kinds.
  • In society: People move away from a sadistic person and try to advise him, although he is not convinced about treatment because he enjoys it.

what are the Attributes of a sadistic person?

  • Not feeling guilty
  • Anger, tension, fear, and depression.
  • Obsessive and intense scrutiny on the simplest things.
  • Distrust of others.
  • Love controlling things