The Great Coronavirus Conspiracy Between Reality And Intimidation

First thing first coronavirus is a serious health problem nowadays, it considered fatal, its name is sars-cov2 but its symptoms called COVID-19...

What is a conspiracy?

Conspiracy is identified by:
  1. The activity of secretly planning with other people to do something bad or illegal.
  2. A common protocol to hold silent about a case to keep it secret.
Conspiracy is well known by a very specific characteristic, which is an uncertain accusation, it is mostly suspicion, and the power of the conspiracy, that it is unable to refute, which is a funny fact, if the accused party object to the accusations will appear as they are hiding or evading the conspiracy that they have done and completed their plans.

Also if they did not respond the accused party will appear guilty to the charges against them, so it is almost impossible to refute, as the accusation itself is based on a vain basis, and have no real reflections.
 So we will talk about some conspiracies about coronavirus, and the clues on it and the rebuttals.

Coronavirus is a lab-synthesized virus:

The corona family is a natural viruses family that is present in the environment;
 it mostly affects bats (h1), when bats become less relevant the virus tends to use close-contact organisms as a reservoir (h2). However at this stage the virus itself isn’t a health issue for the reservoir host.
The problem occurs when the virus mutates due to more relevant reservoirs than normal hosts, so it becomes the new host and being added to the virus range of infection, at the beginning the virus isn’t dangerous to the new host (h2), and cannot transmits form host (h2) to another easily, also the infection-death ratio

  1. Tend to be low for large scale infection, sars-cov2 have large scale infection but the low ratio of death.
  2. Tend to vary for high scale infection, MERS and SARS have infected limited numbers but high death ratio that reached 40%.

However for synthetic viruses or bacteria the infection-death ratio could easily reach 90% and at least 60%.

Corona is a biological weapon

To be a biological weapon, it has to have a weapon character that has two ends, such a sword which has a grip and blade, so the country or the party which developed the virus, could direct the infection zone and also have a vaccine to protect themself from it, and cure for it, also the country would not be affected by any mean or will be affected the less.

The effect of coronavirus sars-cov2 is worldwide damage:

* All countries with no exceptions have economic problems, and the whole world is going to face a serious depression, that means a lot of jobs will be lost and starvations.
  • The accused countries such as the USA and Europe also China have health shortages.
  •  The accused companies that are responsible for medical supplies, and vaccines or cure, have donated every information that they could to help and fix the shortage that is elevating every minute.
In conclusion hardly can be a weapon because it lacks weapon credentials, as it is not a lab-synthesized virus in the first place.