Mice The Great Danger And Ways To Get Rid Of Them

 Mice are one of the types of rodents, and they are also from mammals. They are round and small in shape and have a long tail. The mice are also distinguished by their strong hearing and weak eyesight. It also helps spread a large number of diseases caused by parasites, and it causes the transmission of Hantavirus.

 Mice are highly adaptive in different environments, as they live extensively in homes, and cause inconvenience to homeowners, but many safe methods help get rid of mice once and for all. Getting rid of mice Locating mice Noting strange movements in the corners of the house, especially at night hours, mice are active only at night hours, and it is rare to activate in the hours of the day.

The reasons for the presence of mice at home

The presence of waste and garbage in the home, and not to dispose of it first.
 Frequent cracks and holes in windows, floors, walls, or ceilings.
 Poor sanitation, which leads to the accumulation of litter, and then attracts mice to it.
Some residential areas lack health conditions.

The dangers of having mice at home

 The mice are characterized by their rapid ability to reproduce. Having a pair of male and female mice will be able to breed them eight times per year, and not eliminating them will increase the number of rat babies to two thousand mice within a year and thus there will be great difficulty in eliminating them.

The mouse causes severe economic damage to the human being; it destroys agricultural crops and stored foodstuffs, as it spoils the luxurious clothes, furniture, and appearance of the house by creating many holes and cracks in its corners, and it may cause fires with its loan of electric wires, and it may cause electric contact.

Rat stool and urine affect nutrients and tools, causing chemical and organic contamination

Listen well for movement around the house, such as movement inside the walls, movement inside kitchen cabinets, or sounds like chirping, or squeaking, somewhere, as these are evidence of a nest of mice in this area, and the nest can be full of small mice.

 Note the presence of rat droppings, usually, the color of the droppings of solid rats is gray, while wet droppings are black, and all resemble the shape of grains.

 Look into the corners of the walls and cupboards as well, and note the presence of any openings or cracks, as these openings and cracks indicate the presence of nests for mice.

The steps to get rid of it 

Live mouse traps, which are boxes containing a piece of cheese or a portion of peanut butter, to attract the mouse, and when the mouse enters the box closes quickly to prevent the mouse from leaving it.

 Adhesive rat traps, which are a plate made of cardboard or cork, and polished with an adhesive that has an attractive smell to the mice. this matter.

Control mice with cats, as mice are a delicacy for cats. The use of biting traps, where the trap opens and a piece of cheese is placed in the middle, and as soon as the mouse passes over it, it quickly shrinks it, and it is difficult for the mouse to free itself.

Putting cotton dipped in peppermint oil, or some pepper powder, near the nests of mice, helps to get rid of mice because these substances are repellent to mice as they are diverted from smelling mice to food.

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